2021-05-12 There's nothing to describe other than that which has been listed in the title, but I assure you it's over 5 minutes long MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 5 MB - Duration: 5:39m (138 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-05-10 The driest (yet longest) of my suite so far, get ready to switch off 30 seconds in MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 5 MB - Duration: 5:29m (141 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-05-07 Chit chat with no purpose covering meta podcasts and the 90s; it's all here, lads(z) MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 5 MB - Duration: 5:07m (140 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-05-06 A long winded visit to the world of music, how do councils handle all my (our) waste, farmers, farming, potato harvesting and much much more MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 5 MB - Duration: 5:04m (139 kbps 44100 Hz)
2021-05-05 It's not 5 minutes and has no intro music or nuffin' and covers off human evolution and flying beasties MoreDownload Filetype: MP3
- Size: 1 MB - Duration: 1:38m (135 kbps 44100 Hz)